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  • Writer's pictureG B Lynch (Author)

What now? Unity with a purpose.

By this point I'm sure that most of us have seen the resolution to this Breonna Taylor atrocity in Kentucky. I hate to be that person but....what did you think was gonna be the verdict?

This woman was murdered in March of this year. It is now the end of September. It took this long for them to even throw together some phony Grand Jury. Why? Because they never had any intentions of bringing these dudes up on any charges in the first place. In truth, they executed their warrant, murdered her, and probably were high-fiving it all the way to their police cars. I'm just saying that the cops that murdered Breonna most likely had no remorse then for what they did and most likely have even less now.

The city of Louisville and its police department had no issues with the way these cops carried out their job that night. Had it been of ANY concern for them, it would not have taken this long to get to a Grand Jury. This was just for show. A Grand Jury typically does exactly what the District Attorney wants them to do. The DA presents the facts to the Grand Jury as they see them to be. They were hoping the protesters would leave. They never had any intentions of bringing these badges up on charges for her murder. Most likely, in their opinion, they were just doing their job as cops. Murdering us. Apparently, that's their job.

It is my opinion that we have protests all over the place but the cause lacks structure and unity. In order to move forward and accomplish something- we need unity. We as Black people need to meet and structure a plan of attack to achieve equality. Remember the Montgomery Bus Boycott? Without everyone being on the same page and being dialed in to the cause, the result most likely would have been different. I'm just saying that we all need to be on the same page as to how we are going to achieve the same thing instead of being on different pages in the book trying to achieve the same thing. Hit them in their pockets. Money is what they care about. Lack of Black dollars can crumble an economic system. It would take all of us...together...focused...united...for as long as it takes. Period.

Unity is the only way to take down a monster. The racism monster has to be attacked together with everyone focused on the same thing for as long as it takes for those that are oppressing us to see that we mean business. Just something to think about. Just my opinion.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. Please post your comments below. Let's have a conversation!

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