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  • Writer's pictureG B Lynch (Author)

Reading while on vacation

I've been on vacation before and really had good intentions of reading a book that I was quite interested in. Vacation should be the perfect time to plug in that read that I've been too busy to get to- right? Well...

Unfortunately, I can't say that plan actually works out for me. Although, on the flip side, I'm generally having too much fun doing other things that reading just doesn't make it in. I have the best intentions but...oh well.

As a writer, working during vacation definitely doesn't work for me. There's so much planned for the trip itself that writing even a sentence just doesn't usually work out. I'm generally focused on spending time with my family and consider myself "switched off" for that time period. Try just going off the grid while on vacation! It does wonders for the mind.

I believe that time that I'm able to spend with family is needed. It helps me recharge and gives me inspiration for times that I thirst for it. Sometimes when I write I know what I want to say but not necessarily how it should be said. Taking a break can give me that clarity when things start to look blurry.

Day to day, I spend of lot of time researching for my next book or checking the most current posts on social media. All of that can be very time consuming. Again, can't get to reading that book I've been eyeing.

So, I'm thinking I need a self-imposed vacation to focus solely on reading. I should plan it out with each book that I would like to read. I love all genres so finding choices won't be an issue. Yup, I think that sounds like a plan!

Please share with me in the Comments if you're a vacation reader or not!

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